Valeport公司 TideMaster 潮位仪
Valeport公司 TideMaster 潮位仪

TideMaster has been designed to provide an accurate, versatile and easily deployed tide gauge for use in short or long term survey operations with either pressure or radar sensor measurement. Data display panel, Bluetooth, SD card memory and weather sensor interface provide unrivalled functionality. Low power consumption and user selectable sampling regime allow for up to a year of autonomous operation. A number of Telemetry packages are available to extend the system's capabilities to real time operations. TideMaster is compatible with a wide range of hydrographic software packages and tools.

Please also see the TideStation, a self-contained Tidal Observation solution packaged to optimise performance, be flexible in its configuration and simple to install and maintain.


Pressure Transducer Option

Type: Vented strain gauge, with stainless steel mounting bracket

Range: Standard 10 dBar (~10m) with 20m cable, other ranges and lengths available

Accuracy: ±0.1% Full Scale.

Calibration: Held within logging unit

Dimensions: 18mm diameter x 80mm

Radar Level Sensor Option (see VRS-20 data sheet for full details)

Minimum Range: 0.8 m

Maximum Range: 20 m

Beam Angle: ±6°

Frequency: 25 GHz

Accuracy: ±10 mm

Precision: 1 mm

Footprint: Radius at different ranges:

Range (m)                     Radius (m)

    2                                 0.21

    5                                 0.53

   10                                1.05

   20                                2.10

Weather Sensor Options

Windsonic Ultrasonic Anemometer

Wind Speed: 0-60m/s

Wind Direction: 0-359°

Calibration: Held within sensor

Dimensions: 142mm x 160mm

MetPak II TM Weather Station

Wind Speed: 0-60m/s

Wind Direction: 0-359°

Air Temperature: -35oC to +70oC

Relative Humidity: 0 – 100% RH

Barometric Press: 600 – 1100 hPa/mbar

Dew Point: As per temperature range

Calibration: Held within sensor

Dimensions: 142mm x 274mm